and why you should keep them.
Getting rid of old windows might seem like an obvious step when renovating an old home but there are actually several good reasons to keep old windows and integrate them into your design plans. Before you begin the huge project of replacing old windows, here are a few reasons why you might want to consider keeping them.
Charm & History
Original windows are a part of the charm and history of older buildings. In particular, wood windows with poured glass are harder to come by in more recently built homes. They are not often made any more and to install new wood frame windows, you would have to make a pricey specialty order. Wood frames can be up to five times the price of more common vinyl frames so before replacing original wood frame windows, consider that you may have to sacrifice the chic retro look of wood frames altogether.
Old Windows Can Become Efficient
Old Doesn’t Mean Useless
There are steps you can take to make old windows more efficient without replacing them altogether. Simply adding cellular blinds is an easy and affordable way to add an R-Value of 20 to your older windows by significantly reducing heat loss. Another solution to add efficiency to older windows is by adding storm windows on the outside. I had custom-made wood storm windows installed for around $100 each. They will increase the efficiency of your windows and reduce draft for a reasonable price.
Windows Are Art Too.
Wood Windows Can Easily Be Painted
Another easy way to give your old windows a new life is to paint them! Black, white, teal, pink: you can make your windows any colour you choose. Choose a colour that already incorporated into your design scheme or make a statement with dark coloured interior frames. This is an easy way to include your old windows into new designs as your style changes. There are no rules that they have to remain wood stained forever. My dining room pops with a black touch to the old windows.
Thanks for reading about a few of the reasons why I decided to keep the old windows in my home. I hope this inspired you to restore, paint or seal up your old windows and keep them! Share your journey with your old windows by leaving a comment on my blog post!
xo Rebekah