• Parenting Through Play: The Miss Persona Way!
Parenting Through Play: The Miss Persona Way!
Featuring Lennon’s DIY Treasure Reward Map!
When I’m knee-deep in home renovations and DIY projects,
I know Lennon is watching how I handle stressful situations, the way I pause and reassess if I hit a stumbling block, the energy I put into my work and the way I prioritize down time with her.
And while I’m often immersed in work traditionally viewed as masculine, I want her to know this…
What determines her path in life
is not what others believe she can do,
but what she knows she can do.
Gender-specific roles no longer define our capabilities or determine our journey and outcome. It will be Lennon’s effort, her willingness to work through obstacles, her belief that she is smart and able and worthy that will determine her success.
As a single mom, it’s important for me to ensure she is immersed in a culture that values the contributions of women. Even at her young age, females that model strength, resiliency and critical thinking are important for her personal development. That’s one of the reasons we are both die-hard fans of the daytime Emmy nominated series Miss Persona! The main character is curious, industrious and analyzes problems from every angle before trying to solve them. Lennon also loves Miss Persona’s sidekick Brandon Bear.
What’s not to love?
Cuddly, cute, the perfect size for snuggling and a wonderful little friend to Miss Persona. I want Lennon to know that it’s okay to lean on trusted friends and family as we try and navigate the trials of life.
Inspired by Miss Persona’s whimsical approach to life, I created a reward chart that teaches valuable lessons in responsibility, helps sharpen her problem-solving skills, and prompts her to find resourceful ways to handle complex problems. Win/win situation in my books!
A reward system is a great way to reinforce positive behaviour and keep your child motivated to keep pursuing the changes we want to implement. It helps children grasp accountability in small, digestible ways that are also fun, and in typical mom fashion, teach them something without them even knowing. I’m pretty good at recognizing and praising good behaviour, but a reward chart is a good reminder nonetheless.
Here’s how we did it:
I selected a theme that Lennon identifies with and gets excited about. As I mentioned, we are big fans of Miss Persona so we modelled this project using designs and colours that reflect the look and feel of the show.
Lennon and I sketched out the plan on brown craft paper to make sure the flow worked for both of us. In true Miss Persona fashion, we got dressed up to play the part of “inventive cartographers.” Brandon Bear was with us too of course. He’s the unofficial member of our little family and has been tagging along with us on all our adventures.
We decided on 3 prize stops. She pressed for more (I would have done the same), but this felt like a good number to help motivate and encourage her along her journey. Each phase gets progressively harder, but not so hard that she’ll want to throw in the towel. The premise is to increase responsibility, but still stay within parameters that are attainable.
Keep the rewards simple but thoughtful. You want your child to know you put some thought and effort into selecting just the right things. They do not have to be expensive, but they should be considerate. Things like hand drawn certificates for activities you can do together, supplies for future craft projects or a book they’ve been wanting are always popular around my house. Choose rewards specific to your child- ones that will keep them motivated to continue putting in the effort.
The most important thing of course is to have fun along the way and be tolerant. Incorporating chores into daily routines or asserting behavioural changes can be a lot of work for young children who are trying to navigate these adjustments with poise and patience. We need to remember to acknowledge their effort.
You can download this free reward chart and personalize it by writing your child’s name at the top in fancy letters. Lennon likes glitter, so her name is adorned in pink and blue sparkles. Be sure to let me know how this is working for you and your family and tag me in your stories so I don’t miss it.